UK visual artist Jess creates captivatingly dreamy portraits
Artist JessAmyArt uses colored pencils and acrylic to bring her portraits to life

'Every Silver Lining'
Long time creative JessAmyArt has developed and perfected her own artistic technique. Using prismacolor pencils and acrylic Jess like to, “incorporate both mediums together, just because I think the paint and pencils can often compliment each other well.” Jess's ability to compose life like portraits with surreal elements makes for some captivating artwork.

'Oil Spill'
Originally from Manchester, UK, Jess is currently studying Biology at university, but informed us, "Art (or creativity in general) has always been such a big part of my life.”

'Lemon Head'
“I had a super hyperactive imagination growing up,” Jess recalls, “I'd write novels for myself, animate cartoons on my computer, and set up fake art galleries in my bedroom when I was really young.” As time went on Jess tells us she was “pushed into a more academic direction by my teachers (hence the Biology degree) and was under the impression that to pursue an art career you needed to go to art school and study a fine art degree to be a certified 'artist'.”

'The Moon'
Luckily for us, since joining twitter Jess realized “The only thing you truly need is passion for something you love, and you're all set.” And has been perusing are ever since.

'Starry Night'
Interestingly enough Jess’s artistic inspirations come from, "song lyrics and book/TV quotes, so I have notebooks filled with random one-liners to save for future reference!” Her plans for the future are to finish her degree, continue to develop her art style, and to one day showcase her art in public for the first time.
Check out more of her work and follow below!
Instagram: jessamyart
Twitter: @JessAmyArt