Heart$ick Hermès - Head Up (Prod. by Lil Vro)
NY rapper Heart$ick Hermès with self proclaimed sound 'Nerdy Trap'

New York rapper Heart$ick Hermès is switching up the game with his self proclaimed genre 'Nerdy Trap'. Originally from Long Island, Hermès has since relocated to Brooklyn to further pursue his career. Recent single 'Head Up' perfectly showcases Hermès distinct sound. The beat (by Lil Vro) is bouncy and bass-y, which Hermès perfectly vibes with on his verses and hook. A different sound that's definitely worth a listen.
Check out the track below!
Instagram: heartsickhermes
Soundcloud: Heart$ick Hermès
Heart$ick Hermès - Head Up (Prod. by Lil Vro)