Bethlehem visual artist Zahir Newton shares his unconventional creations
Visual artist Zahir's eclectic collection
Visual artist Zahir Newton stunned us with his multi-dimensional visions so much so that we decided to share. Through experimenting with and mastering different styles, Zahir has constructed quite the collection, from absorbing portraits to mystically infused expressions. We’re grateful he was willing to share some background on his work and life as a creative.

Dopamine, with a touch of malice
watercolor, gouache, graphite
Zahir discovered his artistic knack at an early age, “I was always an artistic person, and I kinda get some of that from my dad. Once I could hold a pencil, I was drawing, mostly because I would watch my dad and copy him (he and his brothers are all very artistic). Eventually, scribbles turned into dinosaurs, which I used obsess over, and 20+ years later here I am painting some pretty surreal stuff.”

Innocence, Aggitated
watercolor, gouache, graphite
Zahir’s work varies in technique and he’s become comfortable with many mediums, “Watercolor is my go-to, but I’m also familiar with acrylic, graphite, charcoal, and digitally painting in photoshop.” (see Sublimate & Male Study 2) “That took some getting used to but it’s so convenient!”
“When I was younger I used to be really afraid of color so I would stick to drawing mostly, but around freshman year of high school I wanna say, I started painting more which lead me to experimenting with color and I eventually got over that monochromatic hump.”

When asked about some of his inspiration Zahir revealed, “I enjoy newer artist on IG like Myriam Tillson and Lauren Marx. For older artist I would probably have to say my favorite is William-Adolphe Bouguereau. His painting Dante and Virgil is just amazing to me. It’s macabre. It’s beautiful. It’s everything. Artwork like that inspires me.”
“I aim to make work that leaves people thinking, “What’s going on in this guy’s head and is he okay?” Stuff that’s disturbing but for some reason still really captivating.”

Female Study
graphite, charcoal, ink
“When I’m not creating pieces of art , I enjoy being in them, modeling for some of my friends who’re really great photographers, like Michael LaMartin (check out his article here) for example. Oh, and fitness! Being in shape and active is also pretty important to me too!”

Male Study 2
We thoroughly enjoy Zahir’s work, thank him for taking his time to chat with us and look forward to his future creations!
Check out more of their art and follow below!
Instagram: _contrappasta
Personal: zahirnewton